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The Oxford DOula Blog

Let's talk about all things pregnancy, birth and early parenthood

Let's Talk About: What Doulas Do

Doula, do what?

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Let's Talk About;
Due Dates and when your baby will be born.

How do we predict when a baby might be born? And why might it matter?

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Let's Talk About; Induction of Labour

Why, when and how do we induce labour? And does it impact experience?

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Let's Talk About; NHS Maternity Birth Statistics

What do the statistics tell us? And should we be concerned?

Let's Talk About; Oxytocin

What is it? What does it do? And how can we support this magic substance to get flowing and do its thing?

Portrait of the Oxford Doula



Doula support in Oxford and the surrounding areas: 

OX1, OX2, OX3, OX4, OX5, OX10, OX13, OX14, OX29, OX33 and OX44



© 2021. Rebecca Robertson. THE OXFORD DOULA 

Photography © Mike Sim  and Deborah T Photography


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